Culture of good thinking – Copy Painting

Culture of good thinking – Copy Painting


Culture of good thinking – Copy Painting

Hahnemühle Fine Art Printing
Several Sizes
Signed by the author
Or downloadable file


Culture of good thinking - original - painting neo expressionism - tmpx

Culture of good thinking – Copy Painting

Digital – tmpx – January 12, 2020
Painting – tmpx – january 31, 2020

Hahnemühle Fine Art Printing

: societal, belief

Sizes cm : 75 x 60 x 0.3 – 74.5 x 60 x 0.3
Sizes inch : 29.53 x 23.62 x 0.12 – 29.13 x 23.62 x 0.12

Signed by the author

Culture of good thinking – Original Painting

Neo expressionism artwork tmpx – Culture of good thinking – Original Painting
Here > The original artwork tmpx

Social media

Social networks are the shepherds of the self-righteous.

Well-thinking means adhering to collective thought

In order not to be excluded, it is more comfortable to adhere to collective thought than to express one’s opinion.
Social networks are the preachers of conformity where beliefs are multiple.

In time, religions will lose their influence, or, on the contrary, will re-emerge from the bowels of the past.

Well-thinking means the opinion and behavior of self-righteous people, whose ideas are conformist and subject to political correctness.

The term

The term good-will has a pejorative, polemical and ironic connotation, because it is especially used by the detractors of the politically correct.

Well-thinking would be the expression of claimed well-being and a good self-confidence that would not question itself.

Well-thinking consists in advocating repentance, historical guilt, the culture of excuse, memory laws and anti-discrimination.

Wanting to be moralistic in particular in the name of human rights or good feelings, good-thinking advocates laws that prohibit and penalize racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, negationist and others, thus provoking trials in theological and political blasphemy, in witchcraft.


The self-righteous person uses specific language to avoid naming things because that name could shock or hurt feelings.

In the context of political debates, opponents of politically correct use this characterization of good-will as a rhetorical weapon.

These, the bad-minded, whose ideas go against the majority ideological consensus (that of the self-righteous), accuse the self-righteous of censoring by liberticidal laws all deviant thought and, by creating the crime of ‘opinion, the thoughtcrime expression known by the Orwell dystopia, of wanting to stifle all free debate and thus infringe on freedom of expression.

Far-right organizations use this term in their fight against what they call the single thought system.

Texte Wikipedia


Conformism is an attitude which has been widely studied in the social sciences and which corresponds to behavior which is consistent with what is expected of an individual or a group in a given situation:

to be in conformity means not to deviate from the accepted norm, not to take a liberty by acting in a way different from what is expected, socially.

There are different forms of conformism, which involve people more or less strongly.

This has implications in several sectors such as consumption, musical tastes, fashion and even the economy.

This principle is considered a condition of the functioning of our societies, however it is challenged by several currents of thought and many artistic movements.

In psychology, Solomon Asch (1907-1996) explains that the individual conforms to avoid on the one hand the conflict between two different opinions (one expressed by the majority, the other expressed or represented mentally by the subject in minority ) and on the other hand, avoid being rejected by the majority (Asch’s experience).

For Asch, conformism corresponds to a follow-up, in which the subject who conforms does not adhere to the opinions of the majority.

Texte Wikipedia

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A





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Product Themes


Sizes P (tmpx)

Size P15 : 75*60 cm – 29.53 x 23.62 inch
Size P20 : 100*80 cm – 39.37 x 31.49 inch
Size P25 : 125*100 cm – 49.21 * 39.37 inch
Size P30 : 150*120 cm – 59.05 * 47.24 inch

Downloadable file:
HD – High Definition – 72 pp – 2500 px (bigger side)


Licence Creative CommonsDigital File
Better resolution on request

Original Painting Photography
This work is made available under the terms of the
Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

The work can be used to make copies, broadcasts, modifications. But the name of the author “” must be visible.

Size 2500 px (Large side) – Maximum resolution 72 pp

The author of a work of the mind enjoys on this work, by the mere fact of its creation, an intangible property right exclusive and enforceable against all “. Article L. 111-1 of the intellectual property code (French)

Hahnemühle Fine Art

Fine Art Paper
Hahnemühle 210 gr / m2

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FineArt papers made from cotton or alpha-cellulose are distinguished by their strong hand, their exceptional volume and their particular texture.

With high-resolution inkjet coating which enables impressive color and detail to be restored, producing magnificent contrasts and bringing out intense blacks, FineArt inkjet papers constitute a luxurious set of high quality products. range.

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